Posting on Social Media – Content Ideas

Posting on Social Media

Ever wonder about posting on social media? Do you get stuck on what content to post? Your content is essential. It represents your brand. It educates and builds trust. You will never run out of content ideas for social media with this list.

Focus on the Needs of Your Target Market

Find out what the pain points of your target market are and address those. Do they feel lonely? Tired? Angry? Frustrated? In pain? Do they need to talk? To be healed? To boost their spirituality? Read “Gaining Potential Clients by Targeting.”

Include the Interests of Your Target Market

Discover the interests of your target market and include those in your content. For example, you are an energy healer and want to reach people with a spiritual nature. Include photos of meditation, yoga, gratitude, and other spiritual activities and qualities. You can address their pain points of feeling lost, lonely, disconnected, etc. in the description. Also, you could post a photo of a group of people meditating and describe how your fans are never alone. If you are a coach, you can post a serene photo and describe how they can do self-care.

Be Vulnerable When Posting on Social Media

Being vulnerable builds trust. Be authentic. Let the real you shine! What is your story? Explain your “why.” Include your mission statement. Be vulnerable and honest. What do you do and what do you not do?

Show the “Behind the Scenes”

Even if you work from home, you can show yourself meditating on the beach or exercising at the gym. Any way you prepare yourself to do your best, show and describe that. For example, list your gratitude for the day and invite others to do the same. Describe and show your favorite place to meditate, exercise, socialize, rest, relax, etc. Show and describe yourself getting in touch with nature. Mention if you get a massage, acupuncture treatment, etc., and the benefits you receive that you apply to your services.

80/20 Rule

Balance posts that are promotional with much more posts that are a pure benefit to your fans. Promotional posts should be 20% of what you post. Benefit posts should be 80%. This helps build interest in your fan base.

Questions for Your Audience

Asking questions can be a great base for a post. It increases engagement. You will get valuable insights into your audience as well. Start with simple questions that are easily answered, like yes/no questions. Or ask your audience to post an emoji if they agree with a statement or quote.

Quotes and Affirmations

You can include your favorite quotes and affirmations. Describe what they mean to you or how they apply to your services.

How-To and Q & A

Post “how-to” videos and images. For example, you can share a small tip for building relationships with others. Or a parenting tip. You can demonstrate a self-massage technique. Include Q & A in your posts. Answer common questions by your clients in your posts.


Posting on social media about holidays can help increase engagement. Make each post relevant to your audience. If your target market is only in the United States, for example, post about US holidays. There are national holidays 365 days of the year. Some are obscure national holidays that are interesting, such as the national “Smoke and Mirrors Day.” You can tie it into your business by writing “There are no smoke and mirrors at XYZ company.”

Do Not “Give Away the Store”

In posting to social media, you are giving your fans a taste of the benefit you can provide. You don’t need to completely explain everything. Keep them curious and interested to learn more.

Summary of Posting to Social Media – Content Ideas

Address your clients’ needs and interests. Demonstrate simple tips to help them solve their problems/pain points. Use videos and images. Be vulnerable. Honesty builds trust. Create 80% of your posts to be of pure benefit to your fans. Make 20% promotional. Include “how-to” and “Q & A” posts. Include holidays in your posts. There are more than 365 US national holidays in a year. Remember to not give out too much information. Keep your audience interested, curious, and coming back for more.

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